Sedona, Arizona: Where the Stars Shine Brightly
Sedona is known for many things: the Vortex energy found in the magnificent Red Rocks that envelop the small city, the profoundly transformative private retreats that promote spiritual healing, and the list goes on. But did you also know that Sedona is the World’s Eighth International Dark Sky Community, designated by the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA)? This not only adds to the unique experience you will have coming to Sedona, but is also significant in promoting environmental conservation, human health, and tourism.
What is a Dark Sky Community?
As defined by IDA, “A Dark Sky Community is a town, city, municipality, or other legally organized community that has shown exceptional dedication to the preservation of the night sky through the implementation and enforcement of a quality outdoor lighting ordinance, dark sky education, and citizen support of dark skies.” Sedona was given the honorable title by IDA on August 4th of 2014, a culmination of hard work rewarded from when it all began over 50 years ago. Sedona residents founded Keep Sedona Beautiful (KSB) in 1972, and the organization was established to bring awareness around the rapid growth the small town was experiencing then. Thankfully, they had the foresight back then around what was soon to come: the booming tourism industry that exists today in Sedona.
Environmental Benefits
By reducing the light pollution here in Sedona, we can protect our local wildlife and natural ecosystems, especially supporting the nocturnal species. Natural darkness has been the norm for millions of years here on Earth, providing natural order to the cycles of life that depend on it. These species include the Great Horned Owl, Coyote, Common Nighthawk, White-Tailed Deer, Big Brown Bat, Bobcat, Raccoon, Striped Skunk, American Bullfrog, Eastern Cottontail, Black-crowned Night Heron, Cougar, American Badger, North American Porcupine, Mexican Free-tailed Bat, Western Spotted Skunk, Ringtail and the Canyon Tree Frog.

Health and Wellness Benefits
The impacts of light pollution are great, even though most of us are so accustomed to living in the modern world that we hardly take notice of these negative effects on our bodies. Circadian rhythms can be completely derailed by severe light pollution, and so visiting a dark sky community like Sedona for a time can help your physical body reset from all the light pollution it’s used to from living in a big city. This reset can look like healthier sleep patterns, improved mental & emotional health, healthier digestion and overall improvement to your sense of well-being.
Astronomical Benefits
Stargazing has been an activity that our ancestors have practiced for thousands of years, and yet many of us today have never had the opportunity to bask in the sacred darkness where the stars reveal themselves to us. Sedona is one of those special places in the world that is known for its amateur astronomy, as it is a prime location for stargazing. By having clear skies, Sedona can offer its visitors the unique experience of sightseeing celestial events, as well as go on informative & fun local night sky tours. Even if you wish to skip the touristy elements, you can be adventurous and go explore the constellations on your own watch by visiting local spots like Adobe Jack Trail or Pyramid Trail. Just remember to bring a red flashlight for the night walk! Using a red flashlight will help protect your night vision for the stargazing itself. And if you wish to have a more easy-access location for your dark sky touring pleasure, check out places like Airport Mesa and Red Rock State Park.
Discovering Your Inner Sky
Another great way to complement your Dark Sky experience here in Sedona is to attend one of SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats many offerings, including but certainly not limited to their infamous Healing and Spiritual Group Retreats. You can also take your visit to the next level by attending one of their many Workshops that support you and your personal journey of self-development!
Blessings on your Journey through the Stars as they guide you back home to your True Self!