Sedona Vortex Adventures Root Chakra Tour
Effects of Root Chakra Balancing
The First Chakra – Root Chakra or Muladhara is considered to be known as one of the most important Chakras. The thought process to arrive at this conclusion is because it is the Chakra that connects us to our physical world. The Root Chakra is located at the base of our spine, it is the Root Chakra that governs over our physical energies, giving us a sense of safety and security with other people and ourselves.
It is important to balance this Chakra first before balancing the others, from an energetic stand-point, as this is where we draw our life force energy to ensure we are properly grounded (or rooted into the ground). Our intention is to help you gain a greater awareness of your root chakra so you can determine for yourself if you are grounded, if you feel safe in the world, if you have a foundation in life, and how you show up in the world.
If your Root Chakra is over-active you will feel either disconnection or aggression. This means if your Root Chakra is over-active, you may feel angry or annoyed towards people and events in your life. You may start to try to control others who challenge your “authority”, or become dependent on habits and will create very rigid boundaries. You will fight change in your life and may put self-worth in materialism.
If your Root Chakra is under-active, you may feel disconnected from the world around you and your body. Focusing and remaining discipline to your boundaries will be harder to maintain, and you will be more prone to anxiety, depression, or have a deep desire to improve your current life situation.

Once you open and balance your Root Chakra you will feel secure in your world and the world around you, and your daily life will flow effortlessly. You will not have any doubts about your place in the world as you are able to hold fast to your own boundaries, whether it be with relationships, materials, or job.
To Book your Sedona Vortex Adventures Root Chakra Land Journey Call 928-282-3574
Sedona Vortex Adventures Root Chakra Ceremony

Optional One-on-One Root Chakra Sessions
Sedona Vortex Adventures provides add-on sessions where you can enhance your experience by extending your stay to go deeper through intensive one-to-one private sessions. We recommend you schedule at least one to four days as an extension. While all the sessions offered by Sedona Vortex Adventures will be available, we have included below a list of those that are especially appropriate for this adventure.Recommended Intensives & Adventures:
- Shamanic Medicine Wheel Teachings
- Red Rock Canyon Journey
- Self-Discovery Through Crystal Grids
Other Sedona Vortex Adventures Chakra Land Journey Ceremonies
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