sedona-vortex-adventure-logo-newVortexes & How they Affect All Life

Since the beginning of time vortexes have existed in the universe and have been sacred spiritual connections between the physical world and the divine healing realm.


Shamanic four elements - earth, fire, water airVortexes & the Four Elements

There are many powerful energies within and around the earth.  The earth is composed of four elements; fire, water, air and earth.  These elements each have their own manifestation form.  The element of water is comprised of magnetic properties; it nurtures and sustains. The element of fire has electrical and creative properties. Air enables co-existence of the two main elements, fire and water. The element of earth binds fire, water and air in various proportions, which makes possible the formation of materials with different properties.  The energy from these elements directly affects everything that lives on our planet.  There are many points of high energy called vortexes that are joined by energy lines called ley lines.  This energy system is a conductor of energies from around the earth as well as to the Entire Universe which directly affects each one of us.  These elements represent vibrational energy and symbolize all the different facets of human life.

Earth Vortexes – Masculine & Feminine

Vortexes are defined as points where natural electromagnetic energy spirals and flows up and out. The upward flow or upflow is known as “Masculine Vortexes” and the downward flow or inflow is known as the “Feminine Vortexes”.

Masculine & Feminine Energy

Masculine Vortexes, also known as “Yang”, is defined as a Electrical vortex that tends to be very energizing and known for getting the energy moving. Perfect for forward movement, setting intentions and increasing your resolve and stamina. The Divine Masculine energy is a logical intelligent energy that carry the qualities of analytic and rational thinking, determination, logical thought, action, and left brain thinking. A person who thinks a lot with his or her left brain is someone who relies heavily on the masculine energy that interacts with the maths, and sciences of the world.

Feminine Vortexes, also known as “Yang”, is defined as a Magnetic vortex as the energy flow is very nurturing, soft and can assist you in inward activities. The Divine Feminine energy is a loving energy, not only for self but for others. This energy contains the quality of intuition, emotion, creativity, empathy, spirituality, holistic thought, and right brain thinking.


Seven Chakras of the Human BodyPersonal Chakra Vortexes

The masculine and feminine are known as vortex energies from the earth, however there are also “personal” vortexes called “Chakras”.  Chakras are defined as are subtle force centers said to channel energy into the body. In Sanskrit the word Chakra means “wheel” and refers to each of the seven energy centers that compose our consciousness or energy system. The chakras function as conduits for the flow of energy through and around us. Chakras are not physical, but are aspects of our consciousness, they really are our spiritual anatomy, that resonate with specific organ functions controlling our immune system and emotions. We can commonly count 7 chakras positioned throughout the body, from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. Each chakra has its own vibrational frequency and is represented through a specific chakra color; thus creating its own vibrational vortex energy.



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